Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Life goes on

Things have been a little bit hectic at Birdwatcher Towers this past few weeks. Work for me has been hectic and at times quite difficult. It has had me lying awake in the early hours of the morning, with feelings of helplessness that even Radio 7 cannot reach. But of course we have to go on. The mortgage must be paid, the fledglings fed, Mrs BW supplied with finest quality muesli and of course Lilly supplied with the best dog food that money can buy. The Weasel is coming to the end of her GCSE's. Whilst friends report that frantic revising late into the evening, and their young people white and pale from lack of sleep and worry, the Weasel seems to have taken the whole thing as a mere minor irritation, involving only very minor adjustments to her burgeoning social life. It seems as if more time and effort has gone into the planning of the end of school prom than into revising for the exams. She now has one final exam next week. Religious Education part 2 apparently. So effectively she has finished. We have the results to look forward to sometime in the middle of August, but with a bit of luck we shall be in Scotland, miles from any mobile phone signal and where if you mention broadband it is assumed that you are thinking of out sized pieces of jewellery. Luckily for my sanity I have managed to get to the Goyt most days with Lilly. The curlews are busy with their young and there are loads of lapwings this year. Yesterday we surprised a couple of hares on the old railway track and Lilly thought about giving chase but realised that the extending lead would rather cramp her style so she barked at them as they moved off into the long grasses. The weather has for once been kind, so everywhere is green and all the flowers seem to be thriving. Mrs BW is happy at any rate. And so life goes on and we are almost half way through yet another year.

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